
Physics Colloquium: Cavity QED and nonlinear photonics with microwaves: Engineering photon-photon interactions to scale superconducting quantum devices

Speaker: Professor Wolfgang Pfaff, Department of Physics University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Date: 10/13/2021
Time: 4 p.m.
Event Contact: Marjorie Gamel
Sponsor: Department of Physics
Event Type: Seminar/Symposium

Superconducting qubits are one of the leading platforms for realizing quantum information processors. In recent years, this field has reached a stage where large-scale engineering efforts have enabled groundbreaking quantum simulation experiments that cannot easily be treated by classical computers anymore. 


Despite these successes, there are significant outstanding challenges that need to be overcome before practical quantum computers based on superconducting circuits might become reality. Importantly, improved strategies for coupling and decoupling qubits are required.


In this talk I will outline new approaches toward realizing microwave-photon mediated interactions between superconducting artificial atoms that may aid in overcoming current scaling limitations. I will discuss how quantum optics-inspired techniques have enabled us to realize entanglement and quantum operations between qubits located on different physical chips. We believe that these approaches will allow us to realize modular quantum systems that scale to larger numbers of qubits and that will enable new experiments for investigating how quantum states can be preserved in open systems.